THE BRICK INSTITUTE OF AMERICA-VIRGINIA thanks CEC for "the guidance and perseverance" during the production of their ARCH computer program and user's manual, and for "the outstanding consultation and programming". The Brick Institute of America is very pleased with CEC's abilities and attitude, commenting that "CEC never said it could not be done, and in fact often suggested new features that they had not thought of including in the program". THE BRICK INSTITUTE OF AMERICA HAS BEEN A LOYAL CUSTOMER OF CEC SINCE 1994.
THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE-MICHIGAN is grateful for CEC's presentation in their Convention and participation in the Activities Committee, and avows that "the high quality of CEC's presentations was a major factor in the success of the meeting". CONSULTING ENGINEERS CO. HAS BEEN A MEMBER OF THE AMERICAN CONCRETE INSTITUTE SINCE 1991.
Due to our quick, superior and economical services, our customers are so pleased that they remain permanent customers. In fact, many of our new customers are influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations!